What Does PlasticTox Test For?

What Does PlasticTox Test For?

PlasticTox tests for microplastics in the human blood.

Lab Results include the presence or absence of microplastics and nanoplastics (MNPs) detected at each size. The corresponding sizes for each MNP is listed in the column beside each size range. Calculated concentration, expressed in particles per mL, is listed to the right of each detected range of MNP.


Common Plastics Include:

  • Polyethylene Terephthalate(PET) Polyethylene Terephthalate is most commonly found in synthetic textiles. It most generally appears as fibrous-shaped molecules.
  • Polyamides(PA) Polyamides are most commonly found in synthetic textiles. It most generally appears as film or fibrous-shaped molecules.
  • Polypropylene(PP) Polypropylene generally occurs as a product in the deterioration of larger waste. It generally appears as a film or in fragment shaped molecules.
  • Polyethylene(PE) Polyethylene generally occurs as a product in the deterioration of larger waste, and is found in personal care products. It generally appears as a film, granular, or in fragment shaped molecules.
  • Polyurethane(PU) Polyurethane is most commonly found in packaging. It generally appears in foam shaped molecules.
  • Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC) Polyvinyl Chloride is most commonly found in packaging. It generally appears in foam shaped molecules.
  • Polystyrene(PS) Polystyrene is most commonly found in packaging. It generally appears in foam shaped molecules.
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