• Environmental Plastics Blood Testing

    Now for the first time you can test your blood microplastic levels at home. A simple finger prick and you're on your way to knowing your level of microplastic contamination.

    Empower your personal health through testing and awareness.

  • Environmental Plastics Blood Testing

    Microplastics, defined as plastic particles smaller than 5 millimeters, have been discovered in diverse locations, ranging from the Mariana Trench, Earth's deepest point, to the peak of Mount Everest.

  • Impact on Human Health

    The negative effects of microplastics on human health are numerous, and becoming better known each day. Harvard has recently published their groundbreaking study linking microplastics in blood to a 4.5x in likelihood of stroke. In 2023, the ACS published their research linking microplastics to oxidative stress, DNA damage, organ dysfunction, metabolic disorder, immune response, neurotoxicity, as well as reproductive and developmental toxicity

  • Why Test?

    Microplastics have been shown to cause cancer, asthma, fatigue, metabolic disorders, organ dysfunction, and reproductive issues PlasticTox allows you to do your own research and take the first steps toward preventing these and other illnesses.

Microscopic Particles Causing Macroscopic Problems

Multiple studies show that the world produces over 350 million metric tons of plastic waste every year. As this waste begins to break down, tiny plastic fibers make their way into our everyday lives in big ways. Some of the big culprits of plastic waste include:

Polyethylene or "PE"

Polypropylene or "PP"

Polyethylene Terephthalate or "PET"

Polyvinyl Chloride or "PVC"

Polycarbonate or "PC"

Polyamide or "PA"

Polystyrene or "PS"